From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

See Opportunity in Obstacles

Successful women The Way Women Work UNDETERRED Rania Anderon

How do you stay focused and driven when you hit obstacles in your professional path? I’m obsessed with sharing the stories of women who are succeeding despite the obstacles they face…

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Sorry, Not Sorry!

Forever 21 photo credit sorry not sorry

It’s time to break up with your bad habits. Here are some ways to speak more confidently and adopt new and better habits…

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INQUEBRANTABLE: El libro sobre cómo impulsar su carrera profesional ya está disponible en español

Es un gran honor el compartir con ustedes la emocionante noticia de que mi galardonado libro UNDETERRED: The Six Success Habits of Women in Emerging Economies, ¡ha sido traducido al español!

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Forget Work-Life Balance: 4 Work-Life Integration Strategies Around the World

Here are four approaches to work-life integration I’ve seen work for multiple women around the world – and they can work for you too!

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Do you have a 360° Network?

networking in out down up across The Way Women Work career business advice

The mistake most women and men make in networking? They only interact with people they know, with people just like themselves and with people…

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3 Things Ambitious Women Want to Know

There was never enough time to answer all of the questions that I was asked last month in South Africa. Woman after woman raised her voice…

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4 Myths About Governments, Funders and Men

As I traveled around the Republic of Georgia in Eastern Europe a few weeks ago, I met female university students and businesswomen who gave me hope for the future. But I was also reminded of four myths I’ve heard around the world, I’d like to debunk…

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The Courageous Women’s Ecosystem

rania anderson with ms osakabe international women of courage award Japan The Way Women Work

1 in 4 women in Japan experience maternity harassment at work. Ms. Osakabe is one of this year’s International Women of Courage awardees, igniting change in her country around women in the workplace…

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Put Yourself at the Center of Your Life

This week is International Women’s Day and the theme is Make it Happen. I want to challenge you to…

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Ambitious, Educated Women: This is YOUR Time

Right now, these four forces are working together to create this extraordinary time for you…

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