From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

Build Your Business: Free Sites, Tools & Resources

NOW is the time to be an entrepreneur! Why? There are countless, valuable online resources just a click away. These will make your life easier and your business more efficient…

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5 Predictors of Entrepreneurial Activity Around the World

Findings from the 2012 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report show that your attitude is a key determinant of your business success…

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Stuck in Middle Management? STOP

I have found that the women I coach need to STOP doing a these six things to be more successful…

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It’s Game Time! Career Lessons from the NFL

Practice, be confident, believe in yourself – there’s no reason why you can’t win in the career you want! There are many lessons we can learn from professional football…

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What Separates the Successful: Staying Power & the ‘WHY’

Two overlooked reasons that entrepreneurs are successful: perseverance and their ‘why’. Watch this TED Talk by Simon Sinek and learn from my personal entrepreneurial experience to help you on yours.

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3 Steps to a Remarkable New Year: Review, Reflect, Resolve

Your challenge: find some quiet time just for yourself. Now, follow these simple steps to leap confidently into 2013…

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Successful Women Make All the RIGHT Mistakes

Early on in my career, a manager told me, “You’re making all the right mistakes.” This became my guiding principle…

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Don’t Just ‘Lean In’ – Lean OUT to Accelerate Your Career

Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, has famously coined the phrase “lean in,” encouraging women to put their foot on the gas pedal in their careers and keep it there. But I would challenge that ‘leaning in’ is not enough. You must also LEAN OUT. Here I will tell you how and why…

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Why You Need a Reciprocal Mentor & How to Get One

We regularly hear from women who report not having mentors or knowing where to start to get the right support. With reciprocal (or peer) mentoring, two people with similar levels of achievement and ambition come together to co-mentor one another. Learn here why you need a reciprocal mentor and how you can get one today…

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The Millions of High-Growth Women Entrepreneurs You Don’t Hear About

Although we don’t hear nearly enough about them, my research indicates that there are millions of high-growth women entrepreneurs in emerging and developing markets. They have told me,,,

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