From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

First With Their Fathers, Then on Their Own

first with fathers then on their own The Way Women Work

Many successful businesswomen globally attribute their fathers as early influencers on their career decisions, affecting self-perception and confidence. Do you?

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3 Ways to Get Ahead

Three ways to get ahead The Way Women Work

Three ways women can get ahead in their careers: speak up, raise your hand, and fly above the radar…

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Women Ascendent: Where Females Are Rising The Fastest

Women Ascendent Where Females Are Rising The Fastest The Way Women Work

The future of the world’s women is not in Scandinavia or the U.S., but among the entrepreneurs in Mumbai, Manila and Sao Paulo…

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Men (and Women), Lend Me Your Ears

men and women lend me your ears the way women work

Talk about the benefits and need for women’s participation at the highest levels with male leaders in your community and male business leaders…

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The Commonalities of Female African Entrepreneurs, American Architects

Women African entrepreneurs and American architects seek how they can attain the most senior level positions; strategies and approaches to empower this pursuit.

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Kansas City Women Take Lead

This Letter to the Editor was written by Rania H. Anderson and published in the Kansas City Star on Wednesday, September 21, 2011. I appreciate Yael T. Abouhalkah shedding light on the reduction of the number of women in political roles in Kansas City. But I take issue with the headline on his Sept. 15 […]

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Time to Ask for a Raise

Discussing salary is often about planting a seed and should never be about an ultimatum or threat. This is what we know about asking for a salary increase and you should ask for a raise…

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Code of Conduct re: Female Board Candidates

women at the board room table The Way women Work

Wouldn’t it be great if all search firms followed the lead of their British counterparts and committed to a “code of conduct” to source at least 30% female candidates for board seats? What’s happening in your market to increase women on public or private company boards? What are you doing to increase the number of […]

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Recognizing Promotion Signs

recognizing promotion signs the way women work

How to know if you are promotable, and what women can do to take action and get the promotion they want…

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A Change in Our Collective Mindset

changing the collective mindset The way women work

What will it take for women to be viewed as equal partners in every aspect of society in every country in the world? This is not about quotas, more training, better pipelines, more education, more mentors, more sponsors, or more confidence…

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