From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

The Secret to a Thriving Global Economy

The global economy will only thrive when ALL of its talent – not half its talent – is fully engaged. The Way Women Work Founder Rania Anderson tells us how…

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Don’t Miss the Live Online Global Women’s Leadership Summit

The Global Women’s Leadership Summit (GWALS) is projected to be the largest women’s leadership online event in the world. All sessions Sept. 9 – 27 are free to attend…

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How to Take Credit for Your Accomplishments

DO NOT make this mistake that hinders many women’s success: failure to accept credit for your accomplishments. Here are four ways to acknowledge your role…

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The Global Male Perspective on Mentoring & Sponsorship

Businessmen from the Middle East, Africa and Latin America give women advice on seeking a male mentor/sponsor relationship to help them advance their career…

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Ways That Work: How to Be a Great Employee & Advance

These “10 P’s” sum up what successful women do to advance and succeed in the workplace. How are you doing?

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Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late: The Network Imperative

Don’t make this common mistake of waiting to build your network until you need it. Here are 4 easy steps to start today, just one hour a week…

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To Win: BE – Not Do

In order to take advantage of opportunities, women must BE…

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Ways That Work: The Best Way to Find a Job

All over the world, women are graduating from colleges at historically high rates. Yet, in some countries women still make up a very small percentage of the workforce. There are many reasons why this is the case, but we want to eliminate not being able to find a job as one of them. The best way […]

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Think Medium: 6 Ways to Grow Your Business

There aren’t just two business sizes small and large. There’s also medium. Here’s how you can grow yours…

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Calling for the End of the Queen Bee

Four actions you can do to not only bring on the end of the Queen Bee, but also raise a multitude of powerful women….

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