From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

Propel Yourself Forward: Let Go of the Monkey Bar

5 keys to letting go of the ‘monkey bar’ and propel yourself forward into greater professional success: This might mean letting go of what is comfortable and what you are good at in order leap to something more challenging or uncertain. You can do it! Let us help.

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9 C’s to the C-Suite

Do you have your sights set on getting into executive/senior management? Want to be a CEO, CFO or a CIO? Adopt these nine key practices of women who have landed a senior management position.

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The Most Common Attribute of Successful Women

the most common attribute of successful women The Way Women Work

Do you share the most common trait of successful women entrepreneurs and professionals globally? Learn what it is, why it’s important, how you can go about getting it, and more.

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Don’t Presume It’s No Without Asking

Successful women presume that the answer will be yes. They know that decisions are usually made based on weighing merit and evaluating facts. So, make a good case for what you need and before you assume the answer is no – ASK!

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Make Tiny Changes to Win Even Greater Career Success

I encourage you to pause today and consider: What small adjustment or change could you or do you want to make in your personal or professional life? Remember that even if it is not noticeable to other people, it can…

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Success With a Sponsor: High-Tech Jordanian Woman CEO

In the Middle East, IT is largely known as a male-dominated field. But that didn’t stop Tamara Abdel-Jaber. Ten years ago, she began her own Jordanian IT company, despite others wondering what she was thinking. In fact…

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The Generosity of Super Connectors

In his book, Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi, introduced us to the term Super Connectors. These are people who have and maintain contact with thousands of people. What differentiates super connectors is not that they know thousands of people, it is that their network is very diverse. Moreover, when a super connector contacts someone in their network, […]

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Missing a Mentor? 5 Awesome Alternatives

A shortage of mentors is something we often hear about from our readers and the women we coach. Among business and professional women in emerging economies and in developing countries, the issue is even more acute. A recent Gallup Poll indicated that this lack of mentors was one of the key factors hindering women from becoming business owners in […]

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How Thought Partners Add Value to Your Business

There is something new on my radar that I haven’t heard discussed. As I study successful business people and entrepreneurs, I find that in addition to having strong mentors…

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Never Go It Alone

“¿Puedo sentarme con ustedes?” (May I sit with you all?) I asked. “Claro que si,” (sure) they responded. And just like that, they welcomed me in to their group, conversation and business exchange. The women I joined were part of the U.S. Department of State’s  WEAmericas Initiative that brought 34 women entrepreneurs from throughout Latin America […]

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