49 Ways That Work: Advance Your Career

believe in your dreams Eleanor Roosevelt quote The Way Women Work

We thought it would be helpful to recap, some of the ways that women around the world who we have spoken with credit as integral to their career success. It is a long list and it may at times seem to you that career advice to women is never ending.  On our end, we are not trying to “fix” you. Our goal is to accelerate your success by sharing the ways that work – the things we know through our expertise and through our analysis of working women around the world, that help you succeed.

What’s worked for you? What would you add to this list? Leave us a comment below, send us a note here , via Twitter or Facebook and we’ll share your way with our global community.

Set goals.

Learn and keep building the core skills and competencies to be successful in your field and at your company or firm.

Make them visible – put them up in your office or home. Surround yourselves with words, things and people that motivate and inspire you.

Execute your plan.

Be bold.

Manage your time well.

Be intentional.

Speak up in a meeting.

Ask for a raise.

Be a mentor.

Get a reciprocal mentor.

Seek many mentors.

Get a sponsor.

Network. (Don’t wait until it’s too late.)

Look for ways to get your name out there.

Career quote Always deliver more value The Way Women Work

Be appreciative.

Take the initiative.

Advocate for yourself.


Promote others.

Take a risk.

Be confident.

Learn to take advice.

Don’t be defensive.

Be willing to do what you don’t want to do.

Ask questions.

Always want to learn more.

Focus on your successes.

Learn from other women’s successes.

Learn to be satisfied and proud of your self, even if no one else is or acknowledges your work.

Look for opportunities.

strive for progress not perfection The Way Women Work career advice

Consistently engage in professional development.

Be kind to everyone.

Be a team player.

Be a good listener.

Don’t be afraid of disagreement.

Make time to be creative.


Don’t always react to others, email, or calls – do YOUR work first.

What do you need? What makes you thrive in the workplace? Know. Don’t be afraid to let your boss know.

Set goals within your position – milestones – with pay increases along the way if you meet them.

Think of ways to create Work-Life blending instead of Work-Life balance.

Ask for a raise.

Read leadership tips and article.

Seek training and consistently work on your own professional development.

Be kind to yourself!

And tell yourself:

joan of arc career quote The Way Women Work

What else would you add? How can we help you advance your career?


Erin Risner

Director of Community Engagement

Writer. Creative. Brand Strategist. Content Curator. Social Media and Marketing Maven. Passionate about connecting with women around the world and telling their success stories.