From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

Stop Waiting – It’s Your Turn

The Way Women Work inspiration and action Stop Waiting

As women, we’ve been told to wait… Wait until we have more education, wait until there are more of us in the workforce, wait until we’d been working longer, etc… You know what I say to everything you’ve been told to wait on?

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How do I make a career move without being labeled a “job hopper”? #AskRaniaA

South African business advice women Rania Anderson The Way Women Work

“I don’t think the stigma of being a job hopper holds true today as it it did in the past, and setting an arbitrary number of years in a role is not necessary. What is more important is…”

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3 Ways to Take Credit

One of the most important things you can do for your career is to take credit for your accomplishments. These are my top three tips on how to do just that…

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Dear Tamika from the Bahamas: Create the Opportunity #AskRaniaA

“There is a saying, “jack of all trades and master of none,” that has haunted me for 37 years…The truth is I do not know where to go from here.”

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WATCH: How to Build 360° Network for Women Entrepreneurs

Rania Anderson international speaker women entrepreneurs expert emerging markets

I want to dispel the myths that networking is tedious and drudgery. You can create a network in your own personal and fun way, in a way that works for you. And I can help. This is a Google Hangout video…

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How do I figure out what I’m passionate about? Ask Rania

“Many times I feel inspired, but not sure where to channel this energy to. It is very frustrating for me! Have you ever heard of someone that struggles with this?”

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It’s Your Skills and Experiences That Really Matter

Let’s ask some different questions and reframe the conversation around what success looks like…

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Courage is a Choice

Courage is a choice. It can help you lead powerful change in 2016. Here’s how…

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The Top 5 Things I Learned in 2015

I actually didn’t realize how much we’d had accomplished this year until I made myself stop and reflect on it. Here’s what I learned about women, men, and rejection…

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Work-Life Balance is Hard, But…

This is the topic I am asked most frequently about around the world. Here are three new thoughts I’ve had lately…

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