From Rania

Rania Habiby Anderson is the leading authority on the advancement of business women in emerging economies; she is an international speaker and author, business executive coach, entrepreneur, former corporate leader, angel investor, and founder of The Way Women Work. See more of her expertise and writing on LinkedIn.

Challenging Women Who Say “But I’m Not Successful!”

Over the past four years, we’ve asked hundreds of women about their success; yet many say they don’t feel successful. We disagree. Here’s why…

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What is an Undeterred Woman?

Here’s a secret I learned after four years of research and interviews: women professionally thriving…

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Men vs. Women: Why Pitching your Startup is Like Dating

men vs women why pitching your startup is like dating Rania Anderson The Way Women Work

“When you pitch your business, it’s like asking someone out on a date – you are selling yourself.” Here are 7 ways pitching your startup is like dating…

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WHY? More Educated Women, But Still Lagging Behind Men

Though we can celebrate women’s increased access to education around the world, it’s not enough if women cannot…

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It’s Costing All of Us: The Global Gender Gap

Today, The World Economic Forum (WEF) released its 2014 Global Gender Gap Report. Can you believe that no country in the world has…

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For Global Competitiveness, Enable Women

Most Problematic Factor for doing business Global Competitiveness WEF Report 2014

The World Economic Forum released its 2014-2015 Global Competitiveness Report, assessing 144 economies. The one way emerging economies can become more competitive…

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Get the Job You Want (Part 3): Strong Follow Up Strategies

7 ways to follow up get the job you want The Way Women Work Rania Anderson

What do should you do after your interview while you wait to hear back? Six strong follow up strategies to show your persistence and value…

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How Lack of Safety Impacts Professional Women in India

lack of safety in india The Way Women Work

Four professional Indian women share their experiences on the lack of safety in India and what is and is not being done about it. Here are some actions women can take on their own to be more safe…

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Get the Job You Want (Part 2): Have Your Best Interview Ever

Follow these 3 tips that are critical for an in person interview (and doubly so if you are being interviewed on the phone). Your job is to be positively memorable to the interviewer…

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New Dell Study: Best Place to be a Woman Entrepreneur Globally

New Dell Study Best Place to be a Woman Entrepreneur Globally The Way Women Work

Dell recently released The Gender-Global Entrepreneurial Development Index (GEDI) that shows the environment for female entrepreneurs in 30 countries. Rania responded to the study by offering four actions women entrepreneurs can take now (no matter what country you’re in!)…

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